
Exploring the Basics of the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first step to a truly enriching study of the Bible is understanding its origins, purpose and necessity. This introductory book explores—and answers—important questions that many wonder about: Who wrote the Bible? How was it written? Why should I believe in this antiquated book? What about its contradictions and problems? It concludes with vital chapters on Bible study helps and methods and a...

Historically, the Bible has been called inspired, meaning that it is God’s Word and fully true. Traditionally, it was also called infallible. That is to say, it is incapable of mistake. In more recent times conservative believers have considered belief in the Bible as “the only infallible rule of faith and life.” They clearly meant to affirm that the Bible is infallible and that it is a rule of faith and conduct. But with the rise of liberalism, this vow was often reinterpreted
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